ANPP (Association Nationale des Pôles territoriaux et des Pays, is a national association federating the « Pays territoriaux and Pays »).
The « Pôles territoriaux and Pays » are a form of intercommunity cooperation to conceive and implement projects.
ANPP missions
ANPP aims at encouraging initiatives and gathering means in order to support the “Pays” through a steady exchange of information and experiences between : elected representatives of local authorities and their structures of cooperation, private companies and associations likely to meet their needs extracted from the declaration in the Journal Officiel of the 31st of January 1998.
Created in 1997 with some pilot “Pays” and large service companies, the main objective of ANPP is to support the national stature of the Pays, using relayed information and local experiences. Beyond this mission of standing up for the interests of the Pays, ANPP also promotes a network between the Pays, a shared experience and a promotion of the actions led by the Pays.
What is a Pays?
The Pays is a consistent territory from a geographic, cultural, economics and social point of view, on a living and employment scale. It aims at representing common economic interests of its intercommunalities members;
The intercommunalities freely join and participate in the project of a Pays, which is the setting for a shared territory project written in a territory charter.
It pursues two main goals:
- Develop the assets of the territory;
- Strengthen the mutual solidarities between the city and the rural area.
Characterized by a flexible management, the Pays can have different legal statutes.
In 2016, the Pays represent more than 80% of the Metropolitan France area and more than 50% of its population.